Public // Private is about permanence and consists of two components: a physical screen print on a metal panel and a digital artwork stored on the Ethereum blockchain.

The physical and digital artworks are identical in their imagery, featuring a representation of my focus on surveillance and data privacy. The physical artwork is a 2x2ft black and white screen print on a metal panel. I've chosen this medium for its classic aesthetic appeal and durability. The digital artwork, on the other hand, is a fully on-chain artwork on the Ethereum blockchain, an embodiment of my commitment to using blockchain technology as a medium for my work.

The only way to acquire the digital artwork initially is by purchasing the physical artwork. This maintains the interconnectedness of the physical and digital pieces. However, the collector has a choice to make. To gain access to the digital artwork, the collector must scratch away the physical artwork in the area that contains the Ethereum private key. This action irrevocably separates the physical artwork from the digital artwork.

The Transient Labs contract developed for Public Private is as on-chain as art can get. Utilizing a method created by 0xsequence, the art is fragmented and deployed as raw bytes on-chain, only making sense when put back together in the right order. This type of mechanism allows for a 3x gain in performance and pushes the boundaries on what on-chain art can accomplish.


Ripcache's artwork explores the confluence of technology, surveillance, and identity, providing an insightful perspective on blockchain's influence on privacy and anonymity. Drawing from a 1-bitpalette and pixelated aesthetics, his work pays tribute to the origins of computing while championing limitations as a driving force for creativity. Each hand-drawn piece carries the artist's distinctive touch, underscoring the harmonious interplay between human inventiveness and machine capabilities.


Ripcache's artwork explores the confluence of technology, surveillance, and identity, providing an insightful perspective on blockchain's influence on privacy and anonymity. Drawing from a 1-bitpalette and pixelated aesthetics, his work pays tribute to the origins of computing while championing limitations as a driving force for creativity. Each hand-drawn piece carries the artist's distinctive touch, underscoring the harmonious interplay between human inventiveness and machine capabilities.


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Artwork and concept by Ripcache

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